Why I love Roy Rosenzweig

Since striking out on my own in 2012, I have devoted more time and energy to mastering some of Dr. Rosenzweig's legacy projects including Omeka, and Historical Thinking Matters. And, now that I am teaching my own digital history class at Georgia State University, it has been my pleasure to read through Clio Wired, a collection of his most iconic essays.
I began my class with an exploration of the nature of history, thinking about the work of the earliest historians, especially Herodotus. In his 2005 essay, "Collecting History Online," Dr. Rosenzweig compares the work of contemporary internet-based history collectors with that of Herodotus.
"Upon reflection, it appears that these online collections of the future are not unlike the very first history of Herodotus, which the potential to promote an inclusive and wide-ranging view of the historical record. In this travels around the Mediterranean region, Herodotus recorded the sentiments of both Persians and Greeks, common people in addition to leading figures, competing accounts, legends s well as facts. He wanted to save all of these stores before they were forgotten so that the color of the past would not be lost. And as he told his audience, he was also cataloging and recounting it all because in the future people might have different notions of what or who is important...Using the internet to collect history shares this vision: it is undoubtedly a more democratic history than found in selective physical archives or nicely smoothed historical narratives, and it shares democracy's messiness, contradictions, and disorganization -- as well as its inclusiveness, myriad viewpoints, and vibrant popular spirit."
Here's to trying to keep Dr. Rosenzweig's vision of the potential of digital history alive!